Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Shadowhunter Costume: Part 2 and 3, Stele and Seraph Blade and Angel Weapons

Hi again!
So I've decided to combine the Stele and Weapons tutorial into one!

Let's start with the stele!
I made one out of polymer clay but it didn't turn out like I thought, it was not long and thin enough. So I'll be showing the second, wood stele.

I started with a rosewood stick I found dried in my back yard. I cut it to a length I liked then peeled off the bark with a swiss army knife.
Before carving


Then I cut the tip into a point, trying to make it like a pencil.

I forgot to take pictures while painting it but it's really up to you, every stele is different. I sanded it smooth then used acrylics to paint it silver, with lighter silver spiraling it. Then I drew the angelic power rune along it. I wasn't really sure what runes you put on something that draws runes so I just went with that. Feel free to put what ever runes you want. 

Here is the best picture of my stele I have, I really like it!
Share pictures of yours!

Now on to weapons!

I got the basic plastic ninja weapon set at a costume store.
I wanted to make a blade like the book, long glowing tube that ends in a point. The movie one was ok similar to the ninja sword so I went with it. Also the daggers were a great bonus!

For these I just got to work with a sharpie! Again I just used the angelic power rune, which is one of my favorites. Then on the daggers I doodled a little more. 

   Taa Daa! The final results I'm pretty happy with. If you want it to glow I tried to spray paint mine with glow in the dark spray paint, but it smeared the ink and peeled off, so I wouldn't suggest it.

Strap them into your weapons belt and you're ready to go demon hunting!

I'll post pictures of my costumes next week! 
Cheers- M

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